measuring cups
1 c. of dry cornstarch
large bowl
green food coloring
1/2-1 c. of water
Procedure: Cover you table or counter with newspaper (if possible complete experiment outside). Put the cornstarch into the bowl or pan. Add a few drops of food coloring. Add the water slowly, while mixing. Continue to add water until all of the oobleck feels like a liquid when your mixing it. You will have perfect consistency when you can tap on the surface of the oobleck and it feels like a solid. If too powdery, add more water. If too wet, add more cornstarch. Play and experiment. What happens when you squeeze a handful?
Extension: Make other sensory experiments (flubber, play dough, silly putty, mud, handmade sand).
Application to Real World: Discuss matter and various solids, liquids, and gases we have/use in our daily life's.